week4 MAY 2024
Mon.20 MAY 2024
I took a leave of absence from work since I still felt sick. But today was the day of my daughter’s class visit. So I visited her classroom in the afternoon. I watched the lesson for 45 minutes. She was fine and studied mathematics with classmates. After that, I went to the hospital to pick up my medicine for my sore throat.
Mon.20 MAY 2024
I took a leave of absence from work since I still felt sick. But today was the day of my daughter’s class visit. So I visited her classroom in the afternoon. I watched the lesson for 45 minutes. She was fine and studied mathematics with classmates. After that, I went to the hospital to pick up my medicine for my sore throat.Tue.21 MAY 2024
I was feeling better than yesterday, though I still feel sick and tired. I am thinking about organizing my daily routine, for example, my waking-up schedule. I can't wake up as early as 4:30 am anymore. So I am going to change my routine and I will wake up at 6 am, maybe.Wed.22 MAY 2024
I still felt tired, so I went to bed again after I saw my daughter off to school. While I checked my Instagram, I found 2 new followers from the UK. I thought something happened on my other SNS because I hadn't refreshed my Instagram entry for a long time. Then I checked my Behance account, I saw my Cardboard Cats entry was chosen in the craft category. I was happy to see that.Thu.23 MAY 2024
I still feel under the weather, but I had some chores to do, and so did them. Recently I was stressed about my coworker. She is always blaming other coworkers for their lack of work abilities while receiving high salaries. I think that is me. She is an aggressive person.Fri.24 MAY 2024
I could take an online lesson on DMM for the first day, in a long time. Talking with my favorite teacher was a good time for me. I changed my mind and refreshed. My husband went to his office for the first day in a long time, I called my mom and talked about my family news.Sat.25 MAY 2024
My husband caught a cold. I think it is because of my virus. So I did some tasks regarding my neighbor. I went to a supermarket to buy some groceries and rice. It was heavy. After going shopping, I was so tired and slept on the sofa in the living room. I feel still under the weather.Sun.26 MAY 2024
My husband still felt bad. We were going to go to a book fair. He said you could go there without me. So I went there with my daughter. We each bought a book that we wanted. I got an English verb book illustrated by Takeuma who is my illustration teacher. She got a handcraft book for children, We were satisfied with the event.AKIKO MAEGAWA NOTE
This page is a blog where illustrator Akiko Maegawa summarizes her croquis and work once a week.
For more information about her illustration work, please visit ︎ ︎ here.
For more information about her illustration work, please visit ︎ ︎ here.