AKIKOMAEGAWA Illustration 

An illustrator and designer living in Yokohama JAPAN


week3 JUL 2024

Mon.15 JUL 2024

It was a national holiday in Japan called Marine Day. I spent time relaxing in the early morning. And I told my friends on LINE that I wanted to quit my company. They replied to my message, and some of them promised to meet with me later. I was relieved to have a conversation with friends.

Tue.16 JUL 2024

After the three-day weekend, it was a work-from-home day today. I felt calmer gradually and decided to leave the company after four and a half years. I need to think deeply about what I can do in the next 4.5 years in the company. First I have to save money for after quitting my job, make more connections in the company, and learn more about advertising jobs. Those things will work well after I leave the company.

Wed.17 JUL 2024

I work a four-day workweek, so today was my weekday off. I drew background illustrations on mini canvasses. I thought it worked well. I used a Chaco pencil since it disappears after a while, it was a good tool for drafting. I was angry about my coworkers these days, but I have calmed down.

Thu.18 JUL 2024

It was a work-from-home day. Working from home is easy for me being a working mother. But my boss gave me only chores. I couldn’t understand the whole work, and our sales staff leads everything. I felt that I wasn’t needed there.

Fri.19 JUL 2024

I have checked the storyboard of the cacao bean animation which was created by another company that we were outsourcing.

I thought just checking the storyboard was light work, and I thought the job of direction was a bit pompous.

Sat.20 JUL 2024

It was Saturday. I spent the day relaxing. The weather forecast says it will be fine for the next few days; therefore, I've begun drying the plums. I also drew the backgrounds for the mini canvases for the upcoming exhibition.

When I went to the bookshop, I bought the latest illustration magazine featuring rooms and architecture. Since I create illustrations of rooms, this magazine will be a good reference for my work.

Sun.21 JUL 2024

It was Sunday. I spent the whole day being lazy because it was so hot, I didn’t want to go anywhere. My work for the exhibition was well-prepared; the only thing left was to paint the mini canvases, so I felt relaxed. Drying plums was day 2. Yesterday and today were sunny days, so the plum started to dry well.



イラストの仕事については  ︎こちら をご覧ください。
This page is a blog where illustrator Akiko Maegawa summarizes her croquis and work once a week.
For more information about her illustration work, please visit ︎ ︎ here.


All RightsCopyright© Akiko Maegawa 前川明子 まえがわあきこ