AKIKOMAEGAWA Illustration 

An illustrator and designer living in Yokohama JAPAN


week3 AUG 2024

Mon.12 AUG 2024

Our family went to the BUG gallery near Tokyo station which shows my daughter’s artwork about her original character. There were a lot of characters that children created, we enjoyed seeing that. After that, we moved to the other gallery since my husband wanted to see an Exhibition. The theme of the exhibition was discovery. It said that by changing viewpoints, you can find something new. I thought this was an important idea.

Tue.13 AUG 2024

I worked from home today. I came up with a rough design for a poster to announce next year’s advertising competition. After that, I created a rough illustration for an Empire House board game. During my work time, I checked my Behance account, a social platform. Then I found that one of my old posts had been selected in the Photoshop category. I was surprised and happy. I hope many people will visit my account.

Wed.14 AUG 2024

Today was my day off on a weekday. I made two rough designs for an illustration of the Itabashi-ku calendar and sent them by e-mail. After that, I cleaned up my messy desk. Then I maintained my Behance account, a social platform. I spent the day relaxing. I read “Nikkei Design” a magazine I borrowed from the library. It was fun.

Thu.15 AUG 2024

I worked from home today. It was an online meeting about making a poster and a leaflet for a competition. After that, I redesigned the poster and leaflet. I wish I had more time to design them. The typhoon was coming, so JR said that they would stop the buret trains tomorrow. I was going to go to Kyoto with a buret train the day after tomorrow. So I was relieved that my plan would be safe.

Fri.16 AUG 2024

I worked from home today, but I had an appointment for my daughter’s haircut. I was off work from 10 a.m., and then I took my daughter to the hair salon. While she was getting her haircut, I went shopping for groceries. After that, I returned to the salon to pick her up. She looked so cute.

Sat.17 AUG 2024

I went to my home town (of) Kyoto with my daughter. She said she was not feeling well, so we had a break at Kyoto station for a while. She is still small and often gets motion sickness. After that, we got to my parents’ house and my mother and father had welcomed us. We ate Yakisoba for lunch, and after that, we went shopping at a bakery. The bread was my mother’s favorite and I also loved it too.

Sun.18 AUG 2024

It is day 2 in Kyoto. Since my brother and sister-in-law went to a live event the day before, I couldn’t meet them then. This morning we met and ate lunch together. Today’s lunch was Nagashi-Somen. My parents bought the kit for them. Nagashi-Somen is a kind of Japanese eating style. It is like scooping up Somen noodles from the river and eating them. The kit is made of plastic like bamboo and the water circulates through it. It is the first time for us to do it at home, so we were excited about that.



イラストの仕事については  ︎こちら をご覧ください。
This page is a blog where illustrator Akiko Maegawa summarizes her croquis and work once a week.
For more information about her illustration work, please visit ︎ ︎ here.


All RightsCopyright© Akiko Maegawa 前川明子 まえがわあきこ