AKIKOMAEGAWA Illustration 

An illustrator and designer living in Yokohama JAPAN


week1 JUNE 2024


やり方は最初と変わらず。こんな感じでやってる。 適当に紙の日記帳に書いて、その後、notionに書く。すると、AIが簡単なスペルミスや時制を直してくれる。ここでも結構間違いがある。





Mon.27 MAY 2024

It was a work-from-home day. My coworker told us to summarize the child labor part of the text, it is our homework. So I did and shared my idea on Slack. But no one else did the homework. Only I did. I was upset. But I didn’t complain. 

Tue.28 MAY 2024

It was a work-from-home day just like yesterday. I drew the main character for the cacao animation. First I drew her whole body for 4 angles, front, back, side, 3/4view. Then I researched the facial expressions and drew 15 faces such as smiling, crying, thinking, angry, surprised, happy, joyful, etc. I finished drawing all of them but I will recheck them tomorrow.

Wed.29 MAY 2024

It was a work-from-home day just like every day.
I've been doing my cacao illustration since the day before yesterday. There are two characters in the story: the cacao beans and the girl.
Today I thought about drawing her posing and pointing at the cacao beans, including eating, drinking, and a "surprise" scene.
During lunchtime, I watched the TV program “Sunday Museum” for Mr. Akira Uno, a 90-year-old illustrator. His work is great.

Thu.30 MAY 2024

I decided to start a new routine: one day, one drawing.
I set up the rules to keep it up.

1: Just draw something without much thought; follow your daily mood and inspiration
2: Take a picture with your iPhone. Don’t use the scanner because it takes too much time to do it.
3: Don’t feel guilty if you can’t continue this challenge.

Fri.31 MAY 2024

It was a day to go to work. I dropped by the Daikanyama Tsutaya bookstore on the way to my office. I researched what was new and trendy, looking through the store. There was also food and stationery there in addition to books.

Sat.1 JUNE 2024

I booked a hotel that is said to be the hardest to book in Japan. Since we couldn’t book the hotel online. Everyone calls there a year in advance. They open their booking time from 9 am every day, so I started to call them at 9 am. I could talk to them at 9:55 am. I had to call constantly for 55 minutes. Though I was happy to book the room, it was hard work for me.

Sun.2 JUNE 2024

I visited the Yokohama Art Museum for the first time in three years;due to maintenance. They were hosting an art event, the 8th Yokohama Triennale.
I was anxious that my daughter would get bored, but she seemed to be enjoying herself there.I was happy to see that.
I found out that Susan Cianciolo used to be a fashion designer and had changed to be an artist. Her art work is cute.



イラストの仕事については  ︎こちら をご覧ください。
This page is a blog where illustrator Akiko Maegawa summarizes her croquis and work once a week.
For more information about her illustration work, please visit ︎ ︎ here.


All RightsCopyright© Akiko Maegawa 前川明子 まえがわあきこ